

 Name: Gaze

Gender: male

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability: FutureSeeker

Known family members:




A quiet, shy pixie who has a tendency to observe. Being born blind in his left eye, and having blurry vision in his other, Gaze had a hard time in school, his bad vision also made him even more eager to experience things like reading. Sometime during his teens, Gaze met Midnight, or, to be more specific, Midnight found him sitting on a bench. They soon became good friends, and Midnight promised him she'd fix his vision, A promise she fulfilled. Once Gaze had glasses that cured his blurred vision, he began to pour his heart and soul into reading. He read anything really, and having photographic memory he remembered every detail. Gaze often avoids crowds. He hardly ever does anything that involves social interaction with strangers unless need be. The only pixies he can talk to without getting nervous is his group of friends, Leilani, daughter of Junica the librarian, and her family.

Story (1):

Gaze didn't have too much going on in his life, he was, for the most part, blind, and therefore didn't understand why his parents still had him in school. The Principal would often let him sit in the back of the class rooms and listen to the lectures, but he couldn't participate in the lessons, and didn't get along well with his school caretaker who guided him around the campus so he wouldn't get lost. Not being able to engage with the lessons like the other students, he listened to as much as he could, but with each class, every lesson, he became more and more eager to experience reading and writing for himself. 

Story (2):

One fateful morning, Gaze by chance met a short, kind girl who sat next to him on the bench he often dozed at while the other students would go off and do their own things. He was very shy, and felt very nervous, but the girl engaged in chat with him anyways, and he eventually warmed up to her. "I'm Midnight" the girl said, Gaze paused, "Midnight... My name is Gaze." "What a cool name! It's like star gazing!" Midnight said, but she stopped talking, she must have caught the sadness slowly creep into her new friends' expression.

"Do you ever wish you could see?" Midnight once asked Gaze, his mind said 'all the time!' But he instead replied "sometimes" and left it at that. Midnight had introduced Gaze to a whole group of friends. A confident, roudy girl who's attitude was just as firey as her ability, and her twin sister who acted fancy, but Gaze could always tell she was hiding a louder side of her personality. Along with the twins was a quiet, but at the same time very mischievous girl who was very kept to her self, and never let anyone get into her business, but got into everyone else's. A cheery, compassionate boy who loved to bake, and often brought food for his friends to try came in with a bouncy, sweet girl who had almost as much energy as the sky could have clouds. Soon they all became good friends, and stuck with each other, even when they all had their own homes.

Story (3):

(being worked on)

Gaze is often called smart, he normally just blushes and thanks those who gives him the compliment, but to him, it's really just from lots of time spent reading, and figuring out new topics. Because of his long range of knowledge, and having the ability to remember every detail from any scroll he's read, Midnight once came up to him when he was sitting by himself, staring off into the distance. "Whenever you're like that, I imagine you're in your own mental library, picking out a mental scroll and reading it in a quiet corner by a window" "That's one way you could put it" he replied. Hence came the description of his brain being like a large library, filled with rows and rows of scrolls of knowledge, tucked away and ready to be picked out. Gaze, even if he didn't show it too much, loved that thought, and would often let his mind wander into a quiet mental library, peacefully reading a scroll, to escape the tiring drama of life.


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