

 Name: Crescent

Gender: male

Type: Elemental Pixie

(Galaxy Pixie)

Ability: portals

Known family members: 

Midnight (Twin sister)

??? (Crescent's mother is mentioned as being

 a Technopath in Series 1, Book 1, Chapter 1)


"Alpha" (father figure)

"Omega" (mother figure)



A cheery galaxy pixie who values those close to him, he's a people-pleaser and often puts other before himself. Being raised by a pack, that of mythical creatures called Dark stalkers, a wolf like race that has the ability to see glimpses of the future, Crescent was taught loyalty and companionship. He never knew his family, but one of the things Alpha told him later on in his teen years was that some time in his future, he would meet a young Shadow jumper, his sister. However, even though being taught patience among other things, the wait was becoming very tedious, so tedious that Crescent once snuck out when his pack was sleeping to go to the pixie village alone, without a Dark stalker's supervision. This proved to be a bad idea, saying he was caught by Omega, who escorted him back to the Dark Forest, where the rest of the pack was sleeping. Saying that he never had a real family, Alpha and Omega were like parents to him, and being the leaders of the pack, that allowed them to have pixie-like forms, which is how they were able to teach Crescent to do what real pixies do, and behave like real pixies behave.

Story (1):

"You sure this is the one?" A Dark stalker growled, peering at the wooden door surrounded by the roots of trees, like most Wood Pixie formed houses looked. "It looks so average, hard to believe an Elemental Pixie lives here" he growled, flicking his thin tail toward the house. "Quiet! Alpha said he's here, now are we going to take him or not?" The first Dark stalker nodded in agreement to the other, and they quietly ascended toward the house, peering through the window, they could see two cradles, both looked kind of techy, quietly rocking itself and projecting little stars and constilations like the night sky. The second Dark stalker began to change, shifting and turning into a humanoid form, she grabbed a metal scrap next to the window and shoved it underneath, tracing it around the window pane and carefully removing it, she pulled out the window pane, and turning back into her creature form, leaped through the opening. The other Dark stalker followed, and they crept over to the cradles, peering at the little boy pixie, his unnatural blueish violet galaxy standing out like a singular cloud in the vast blue sky. "I'll grab him, then we take our leave" "what about the girl?" The other Dark stalker asked, "she's not important" the female replied, "besides" she looked over to the quietly sleeping girl pixie, "she'll catch up eventually."

Story (2):

Crescent peered over the bush, watching the pixie's in the distance, so this is what they call a "school," he thought looking at the large tree house, made of roots and foliage that rapped into a large construct. He remembered Omega telling him about it, saying it was a place young pixie's were sent to learn and be "educated," was the word she had used. "What are you doing?" Echo asked, Crescent jumped in surprise, be covered Echo's muzzle and pulled her down, "shhh!" He shushed, "I can't let them hear me!" He growled in Dark Stalker's language. "Sorry" she replied, sitting down on the grassy floor and giving Crescent a cheeky look. "Why do you always watch them? It's not like they do much interesting things, just sit around talking in their weird pixie talk" Echo snorted, watching the pixies in confusion. "First of all, ouch, at least our language isn't growls. And second, I can't help myself, their my kind" Crescent told her, pulling a branch back a bit to see better. "Ha! Our language is much more dignified then yours" Echo laughed, hitting Crescent in the side with her head. "Says who! To us, all you do is growl!" "Oh yeah, so I suppose what your doing right now is 'growling'?" Echo retorted, rolling her eyes. She pounced on Crescent in a playful manner, but accidentally knocked him over, he fell out of the bush and a close by group of teenagers spotted him. "Hey dork! What are you doing in that bush!?" A girl yelled, she had fiery colored hair with tiny white specks in it, shoot! Crescent thought, I've been spotted! Alpha's gonna be so mad! Crescent scrambled out of the way and back into the bush, where he met a guilty looking Dark stalker, "I'm so sorry" she said, looking down. "Hey! I was talking to you!" The fiery girl yelled, "Firestone! Leave him alone" a purple hair colored pixie said, behind her was a pastel blue hair colored pixie who, when Crescent peeked over, he noticed was staring right at him. Shoot! I gotta get out of here! Crescent struggled for a bit, sweating as he tried to make a portal, and right when he managed to make one just big enough for himself and Echo, he swore that right when they jumped through and he closed it he could here the fiery girl say "where'd he go!?"
