

(Unofficial) Name: "Master"

Gender: male

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability(s?): ShadowJumper (it is unknown whether he has any other abilities, see The past of Queen Irene for more details)

Known family members:

Void (daughter)


"The ever engulfing darkness that sneaks up on its prey, obscures it's vision and clouds it's thoughts. Very being has no existence in the clutches of the shadow of the moon, it disappears but never retreats, it lingers but never shows." -The Half Moon


"the shadows eye"

A powerful villain enveloped in darkness and mystery, who is said to "clutch his victims with claws of darkness." This phrase can be either metaphoric, or literal, saying that Master is known to be a very powerful Shadowjumper, a pixie not to be taken lightly. He is known to play mind games, and has mastered the ability of manipulation, using the members of his organization like puppets in a show.
