

Name: Calypso

Gender: female

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability: Mindreading (slight telepathy)

Known Family member(s):

??? (twin sister)

??? (older brother)



 She's a mysterious pixie, and while not much is known about her true personality, her voice is well known to be heard in many a pixie's mind. So while some may call her cowardly, Calypso likes to call herself strategic. She belongs to a long line of Mindreaders, though her parents are long deceased, and her brother and twin sister are both notorious for their mind tricks and criminal records. Calypso (or so she claims) was framed for a disastrous event that left her sister on the run with a target on her head for three years. At one point in time Calypso was caught and mistaken for her sister, and without much delay was sentenced to a lifetime in Vengeance. Hence, Calypso hides in the shadows of Vengeance by a feared name, surrounded by the most powerful and violent criminals in the pixie race.

Story (1):

"I never want to see another drop of blood again." Funny that was something Calypso had said as a little girl when she nicked her finger and fainted. Because there she was, being marched off to a place she only saw in her nightmares, for something she never even dreamed of doing, where there was sure to be blood. It was Vengeance after all. 

Story (2):

Her first week in Vengeance was like nothing Calypso had ever endured before. She refused to leave the small hiding place she had, mainly because she was terrified of what would happen to her if she left, but that nearly led to starvation. Every once in a while Calypso would stretch her mind out and grasp onto distant thoughts, noticing slightly how fearful everyone actually was. She slowly learned how to mimic those thoughts, and how to broadcast them into the pixie's mind to trick them into doing something they thought were their own ideas. However one time trying that trick on a stronger mind nearly got Calypso killed. But life on Vengeance was full of that.

Story (3):

Someone once described Calypso as acting like a 'vampire' when she went outside. Though that may actually be a pretty accurate description. Before she was brought out of the shadows by a skilled Mindreader who found her, Calypso never went outside of her cave. That meant years without sun or proper lighting, so she had incredibly pale skin and wide pupils. According to the mindreader, Calypso "screeched like a bat" when she finally walked into the sun. She was certainly a sight to behold. How did she get food? You may ask. Well, it took a long time, but Calypso trained some wild animals she didn't bother knowing the name of to bring her food whenever they could (mostly fruit, she's a vegetarian, but you can never be to picky). This earned Calypso the nickname of 'Fruit Bat' given to her by none other then the Mindreader (she was never given a name, probably because most Mindreaders find it easier to read the thoughts of someone they know the name of, it makes it easier to focus on those specific thoughts).
