*Short story* Powers Unite, Trapped


      Star struggled as she was plunged into the cold darkness of the shadow void, she had known it was a dark, inky place, but seeing it in person was quite a shock. Void's cold gaze stared at her as she was shoved to the side, a slosh of inky sludge swarmed around her as she fell into it, "I could very well leave you in here, it would be a suitable prison. But, I want you to be unfindable, somewhere you will suffer, and somewhere inaccessible" Void said, floating in place while Star flailed around like a fish out of water, Void had complete control in here, but surely Star had an advantage too. Right? Suddenly the sludge turned into shadowy hands grabbing onto Star, latching onto her arms and legs, she yelled as she was sent over to Void, close enough to feel Voids cold breath on her cheek. "You will have regretted ever messing with me girl" she whispered, Star strained her arms, trying to grab onto a device, something that could help, but the sludge only held on more. She screamed as the hands squeezed her limbs, and one of her devices fell out of her bag, floating up to her hand, it was a small round drone, with a blue stripe. Wait, that's it, Star realized an advantage, but she only had one chance to make it work. The drone activated and cut off one of the shadowy hands, and Star reached into her bag. "You little-!" Void yelled, she violently grabbed onto Star, shooting off up toward a shadow, and Star screamed when her back crashed through an opening, feeling as if she was crashing glass as she shot out of the shadow void, slamming onto the grass on the other side. She really hoped her plan had worked. From the other side she could hear Void scream, then laughter, Star jumped to the side as Voids hand slammed against the shadow from a tree, but as Star had hoped, her hand didn't pass through the shadow, it stayed against it as if it was a solid wall. "You can trap me, but you can't get rid of me. Ill get out, and when I do, you'll be glad you're stuck in there" Void's voice taunted, and before her hand disappeared from the transparent shadow, Star saw a thick metal wristband clamped on Voids arm, her plan had worked, the wristband she now wore blocked her ability to pass through shadows, leaving her trapped somewhere she couldn't hurt anyone. But, where am I? Star knew she wasn't in the same area her and Void were fighting in, Star gasped when she saw a blue force field above her, way in the sky. No, not a force field, a barrier, and there was only one place with a barrier like that, a place pixies went into, never to come back. A place only the worst criminals were life sentenced to, Vengeance. But, how was that possible? No Shadow jumper could get through the barrier, there was a reason no one got out, but, Void could.

                                                                         1 Week in Vengeance:

      "Still stuck in vengeance! Yay! But don't worry, I'm doing fine" Star said, speaking into a miniature camera she had running, she had embedded it into her high-tech wristband years ago. "I don't even know why I'm doing this, it's not like you're ever going to see it. Maybe I'm just trying to keep my sanity." She continued, running her hand down her face. "It's not like I have much to do here, trapped on an island with the most dangerous villains, it's not like they have cases for me to take. Besides, they'll probably be too busy trying to kill me anyways" Star sighed, "Void got me good, thankfully she should be trapped in the Shadow Void for quite a long time, maybe years." If my device is still working, Star thought, Voids last words rang through her mind "You can trap me, but you can't get rid of me. Ill get out, and when I do, you'll be glad you're stuck in there." Star shook her head, no, I know it's working, if it isn't Void would be out in the world causing trouble, and I'd be stuck in here, unable to do anything about it. "I just wish I could see you, and Orchid, she's probably worried sick about me right now." Suddenly Star stopped talking, she looked around before bursting into laughter "man! I sound so sappy!" She said, her hand on her forehead. "Well, time to get to work" She said, and turned off the camera. If there's a way in, there's always a way out.


                                                                              1 month in Vengeance:

        Star huffed, gasping for breath as she pushed through bushes and branches that scraped her cheek and legs as she darted through them. She grabbed onto a tree trunk and spun her self around to the right, quickly rustling through a small pouch on her side. Star looked up and gasped when she saw a raised, fallen tree and quickly slid under it, barely avoiding a rock when she got to the other side. Star took a quick peek behind her shoulder, and saw two ice pixie's dashing after her, daggers in their hands, and making no hesitations and they slipped through the obstacles like rain sliding down leaves. She had to lose them, but how? Think Star, think! She told herself, she couldn't run from them forever. I got it! She thought, and began typing on a hologram projected from her ear piece. I just need to call in my drones, she thought, I only need to buy my self some time. Suddenly, Star tripped on a large rock, time seemed to slow as she hit her face on the dirty, leaf covered floor, and triple rolled, slamming into the trunk of a tree. "Ugh" she groaned, but the Ice pixie's had caught up to her. Before she could stand up to relax her spinning mind one of the ice pixie's stuck his hand out forward, and ice quickly formed around most of her upper arms, gluing her to the tree. "It's cute that you thought you could escape" the pixie said, tucking a dagger into a loop on his pants, the other, however, stayed in his left hand, taunting her. He raised the dagger to her throat and she swallowed, breathing heavily, "we can either do it the hard way, or the fun way" the pixie said, then paused "give it to me" he demanded. "No." Star replied. The pixie took the dagger away, leaving behind a small ringing sound as it slid away from her throat. "Fun way it is." Star yelled in pain as the ice around her arms became so cold they burned, she tried to calm herself, but to stay calm in a situation like that was like taming a monster. The frigid temperature halted but the pain lingered, Star panted heavily and looked up to the villain who crouched down to look her in the eyes, "ready now?" He taunted. "N-never" she said, gritting her teeth, Star tried to hold his gaze, what she needed was a distraction. Star didn't have much time to think, she just began tapping on a device connected to her wrist piece. "Stop what you're doing" the pixie demanded, he tilted his head toward her, signaling the other pixie to come over. "Dismantle her device" he told the other pixie. The pixie tucked his daggers into straps on his pants, and walked over, he crouched down next to Star and peered at her wrist band. Star wanted to look up to the sky to see if her drones were close, but she knew that would give away the surprise, and it was the only advantage she had right now. The other pixie fiddled with her wrist band for a while, but the pixie who seemed to be in charge became impatient. "What's taking you so-" he was quickly cut off by electricity zapping through the air, the two Ice pixie's fell to the floor unconscious, and floating victorious above the leader pixie was Star's drone. "Good drone!" Star praised the machine, the drone did a cheery little flip in the air, and two other drones flew up next to it, "you two are late" Star said, but they both just hovered in the air, unresponsive. "Now get me out of here" she commanded, and the three drones flew over, scanning the ice with yellow light that immediately melted it, Star gritted her teeth as the water ran down her raw arms. She stood up and rubbed them, looking at her three drones. They were balls big enough to fit in the palm of your hand, they looked simple, with their light grayish blue metal and individually colored stripe to represent each drone, yellow, green, and blue, but they were actually very complex machines. The blue drone she had made with her brother Tyson, they worked on it as a sibling project, and it was the most lively, more as if it had a personality of it's own. It was the closest she had in Vengeance to family. The yellow and green drones, however, were simply robotic replicas of the original she had made herself, nowhere near as lively as the first. "Heh" she said out loud before thinking, I guess it picked up some of Tyson's unique style of robotics. Star sighed, she took out a complicated piece of machinery, a blue orb covered in metal and wires. She risked lots to get it, stole it from the two ice pixie's, it was the reason they were chasing her. "One piece of the puzzle" Star said to her self, and lots more to go, she thought. "C'mon" she said to the drones, the blue one perked up, "lets go before they wake up." Star placed the machine carefully into a bag and started off through the forest.

                                                                      3 years in Vengeance:

Star walked toward her home, a small cave she had managed to keep secret from the many villains in Vengeance by using a cloaking device. She pushed through the cloaking barrier, dragging a wheeled fabric basket filled with metal and scraps she had scavenged behind her back, her drones followed, each carrying either a bucket of water, stone, or minerals. She whistled a toon, sitting in her chair by her work desk that was scattered with materials, failed projects, and devices to help her create what she needed. Being a Technopath, and a talented one at that (it runs in the family) Star could "understand" technology in ways normal pixies can't, making it easier for her to create mechanics. She began melding metal together, which obviously made a whole ton of noise, but her cloaking barrier also had noise canceling, so as far as the others knew, she wasn't even there. "I'm a quarter way done with the Teleportation Mechanism" Star said to the ever present camera, "I'm sure you could think of a fancier name for it, but what else am I going to call it?" Star continued to melt the metal, and then build it up and add other mechanisms and wire work to it. "If my theory is correct" Star said, twisting and fiddling with the wires and other complications, "which it normally is" she added "then the core, added with enough electricity, should be enough to power the machine. If successful, I should be able to teleport through the barrier that surrounds Vengeance, how will it work? You ask, well, if the machine is able to break down my body in a similar way to a Phaser, then I should be able to pass through the barrier without being blocked by it's electrical current. Heh" she laughed, "this is probably the part where you would stop me short and tell me to spare you the complicated details, isn't it Orchid?" Star sighed, allowing her mind to flow through a slideshow of memories, as if she was traveling back through time. "Well!" Star said, snapping herself back to the present, "you're not here, so I'm going to explain anyways!" And she began to drone on and on about the mechanics of her machine, letting herself get swept away by the explanations of the complicated mechanics. She needed to distract herself from the ever present thought, was she ever going to get out?

                                                                             Years later:

                                                                           Royal Palace

"Violet, I assume?" Queen Nettaria's voice boomed across the throne room, the guards that brought Violet into the throne room had forced her to neal in front of the Queen, she had chains on her ankles and her arms were cuffed behind her back, not that she could feel any of it. The whole room carried an intense aura, filled with hate from everyone in the room, and it was directed at her. Guards were lined on the rounded walls, and Nettaria's three daughters were lined to the left of the throne, and the general to the right. All of the Royal Family was wearing brown and black gowns and attire, as was tradition for Vengeance Trials, and Nettaria had a few added golden accessories and flowers, Violet didn't know what the color coded clothes was supposed to stand for, but she didn't care. "You are called here today for violation of Code 26, a very serious crime. Other crimes consist of kidnapping, working with an Ice Pixie without a permit, and violent acts against citizens." The Queen continued to read down a list of bad things Violet had done, before her head perked up. "It also seems that you stole things in your childhood, medicine and antidotes from the healing center. Now what was all that about, hmm?" Violet narrowed her eyes at the queen, refusing to answer. "Violet you are sentenced to life at Vengeance, for serious acts of crime against the fundamental codes." Queen Nettaria curled her finger around a wavy strand of her ginger hair, looking over to the general, "unless you have any objections?" The general shook his head. "Then it's decided. Congratulations" Queen Nettaria said sarcastically, "you have been deemed a villain worthy of being sent to Vengeance. Take her away!" Violet screamed and yelled, and the guards had to drag her out of the throne room because she had been filled with so much anger, of course she had, she was being life sentenced somewhere she was never going to escape from.

                                                                    Later In Vengeance:

Star walked through the forest, her drones trailing behind her. She was running dangerously low on materials, and couldn't manage anymore failures. Star looked around, she was starting to gain a rhythm in Vengeance, watch out for villains, keep your eyes and ears open, if you're caught they might let you off the hook if you trade them something worthwhile, if not be ready to fight. And rule number one, you can't trust anyone. That's probably always rule number one in places like this, Star thought, she stepped over a rock, leaves crunching under foot. The sun shone through the golden, fire colored trees. The forest in Vengeance was actually quite beautiful if you ignored the constant danger you were in, but if you look past the trees, you could see the large blue barrier, the ever present reminder of your invisible prison. Star began to whistle, but quickly stopped when she heard commotion ahead, I could turn in the other direction and probably avoid a whole lot of trouble, she thought, but the detective side of her couldn't resist checking it out. She was just too curious!

"You're new here, aren't you?" A demeaning voice said, Star turned on a cloaking mechanism she added to her wrist band, making her invisible, and if not completely invisible, very difficult to see. "I guess you could say that" another voice replied, Star could tell even before she peeked over a bush that it was two female's, one was a Galaxy pixie, Star guessed they were maybe a little over eighty, but with pixie's physical appearance stopping at adulthood, it was kind of hard to tell. They had a teal Galaxy, which made Star assume she was either a telekinetic or a convicer, either way they were clearly very dangerous, as all the villains in Vengeance were, and they also acted very experienced, probably been in Vengeance for a long time now. The other pixie, however, was a Wood Pixie, she had very long, dark purple hair, probably stopped at about her ankles, light green eyes and tan skin, she wore a one piece, light red top and shorts. Paired with the one piece was a very loose, off the shoulder dress like piece, that was cut down the side and stitched back up only a quarter way, allowing the ends to flair out. She had a dark green vine wrapped around her torso, making the dress bunch up at the top, and looked a little younger then Star, which made Star wonder what she had done to get into Vengeance so young. "Why don't I show you around? My treat, of course" the Galaxy Pixie said to the Wood Pixie, but the younger girl pushed her aside. "I think I'll take the detour, but thanks anyway" she replied sarcastically, but when she began walking away the pixie grasped her arm. The Wood Pixie turned her head around slowly, her long, purple hair flapping to the side, "you are new here, you don't understand how it works" the Galaxy Pixie said, a hint of taunt in her voice, "you give me what I want, and I won't hurt you, understand?" The Wood Pixie cocked her head "is that how it works?" she asked, rolling her eyes "I thought there were free tours" "listen here girl! And listen good!" The Galaxy pixie yelled at her, pulling her closer. "I'm not a threat to take lightly! And if you do something stupid I'll be sure you get what you deserve! I don't know how a girl like you got in here in the first place, but if you give me what I want, I won't hurt you." The Galaxy Pixie glared at the Wood Pixie, and something in her voice changed when she said "we got a deal?" Yep, Star noted, definitely a Convincer. "And what is it you want?" The girl said, crossing her arms, "any weapons you have, devices, or maybe even any tricks you got up your sleeve. As long as it does me some good" the pixie replied. "Sorry to disappoint but I don't have anything" the younger girl told them, "they took everything I had before they sent me in." The pixie raised an eyebrow "you can't tell me you snuck nothing in" she said, "there's always something they miss." "Empty your pockets" the Galaxy Pixie said, using her ability, being a Convincer she could make pixie's do limited things with the tone of her voice. The smallest seeds Star had ever seen fell to the floor, and the Galaxy Pixie looked up at her in anger "all you have is some lousy seeds!" She yelled. The pixie hit the younger girl in the face, but the girl barely flinched, not even a single recognition that the girl had felt anything. But that's not possible, right? Star thought. Star sunk deeper into the bush when the Galaxy Pixie then took out daggers, but the younger girl didn't try to stop her when the pixie slashed her in the arm. "You freak!" The Galaxy Pixie yelled "can't you feel pain!" But she was cut short when the seeds on the floor sprouted at an unimaginable speed, into giant purple fly traps. Dark green vines wrapped around the Galaxy Pixie and she twisted and turned, but couldn't get loose, then a red flower bloomed on the vine, and poured out a plume of violet smoke, the Galaxy Pixie quickly fell asleep, and was dropped onto the floor. The giant fly traps then began to climb onto the girl, wrapping into a headband like shape with two red flowers on the end on the girls head, and attached it's vines to her arms and legs. "Never underestimate seeds" the girl said, crouched next to the sleeping pixie. "Come out, and maybe I'll let you go unharmed." The Wood Pixie turned around in Star's direction, Star froze, how could she have known I was here! I could make a dash for it, no Star, be smart! What would a pixie like her want- Star was cut of short when a vine wrapped around her leg. She screamed as the vine slid her out and over the bush, dragging her over to the pixie, once Star was a few inches away from the girl, she was lifted up, hanging upside down in front of the pixie. Star tried to lift herself up but couldn't, and fell back down, dangling from the vine. Star still had her cloaking on, but the girl looked at her thoughtfully as smaller vines began to sprout from the vine around Star's leg, climbing around Star and taking out any device that could be found. No, no! Star thought, trying to get loose, but the small vines spread like water, seeping into any crack, and picking out any device. "Hmm" the Wood Pixie said, she spun Star backwards, then back around to face her. "Ah" the Wood Pixie acknowledged, and one of the vines wrapped around Star's wrist band, shoot! Star thought, but she couldn't move, there were too many vines. When the small vine couldn't rip off the wrist band, a smaller version of one of the purple fly traps sprouted on the vine, and it nawed at the wrist band until it fell off Star's wrist. Star immediately turned visible, and she tried once again to break free from the vines, but at this point she was pretty sure the Wood Pixie was enjoying herself. "There you are" she said, Star looked down hopelessly at her dismantled wrist band, and the floor littered with her devices. "What do you want!" Star asked, then if her arms were free she would have smacked her forehead, what a dumb question! All villains want the same thing. "Nothing much" the pixie replied, turning Star around then back to face her again, like before, but this time Star was visible. "Interesting" the girl said to herself, observing Star, "what's so interesting" Star asked, "you look... Familiar" the pixie replied, pushing her long, purple hair over her shoulder as she leaned over. The two fly traps on the girl got closer to Star, making a hissing sound that almost could have resembled a snake. The fly traps observed Star, and their breath smelled so bad Star wondered if it was toxic, she coughed. The girl whistled and the fly traps retracted, "ladies, we need her" she said, and leaned in closer to Star, her green eyes staring into hers. "You don't happen to be Star? Do you?" The pixie asked. Oh no. Star thought, don't tell me this is a villain from my past that I don't remember. "No, you must be confused with someone else" Star replied, trying to stay stone faced so the pixie hopefully wouldn't catch onto her lie. The Wood Pixie sighed, "never mind then, you made me think of my friend Tyson" "Tyson!" Star clamped her mouth shut, Rule number two: let the villains think their tricks worked. Sometimes they can get a bit too cocky and more vulnerable to her own tricks. Looks like it's working, Star thought as a small smile sneaked onto the pixie's face. "You are Star, aren't you? C'mon, there's no denying it, you remind me a lot of your brother." Star stayed quiet, and the girl laughed, "silence always tells more then words themselves, if you weren't, you would have had more facial expression then you do now." "Well then, it's nice to finally meet you Star, your brothers been searching for you."

           Tyson's been looking for me? The thought pushed its way up and Star had to push it back down, the girl could easily have known, Tyson was very well known already, it wouldn't be hard for her to figure out. Calm yourself down Star, she's probably just playing with your emotions. Star saw the way the girl tricked the galaxy pixie, making them think they're in charge, making it seem as if they're winning. Unless, that's what the girl is doing right now. Impossible, you're probably just over thinking things, like always. The girl flipped Star around, and the vine gripping Stars leg loosened its grip, letting Star fall to the ground with a thud, and before she could do anything vines quickly grabbed onto her arms and legs, strapping her to the floor. "Ugh!" Star grunted, and the pixie smirked again. "How about this, either I'll leave you here for her when she wakes up" the girl pointed at the knocked out galaxy pixie "or you can show me where you've been hanging out all these years, and we can work together, Sounds like an easy decision to me" "and why would I help you!" Star yelled, "you're choice" the girl shrugged. She started walking away, and then Star had a realization, "you're not going to leave me here" Star smiled up at the wood pixie, "because if what you say is true, I'm too important. I concur, that you must have crossed my brother, got sent here, and then since you happened to find me, might as well use me against him." Star shrugged "he is looking for me after all, I just might be your ticket out of here" the wood pixie turned around, frowning. "You are as smart as they say" the girl said, "fine, you're right, but you wouldn't really point out using you as a prisoner against your brother unless you had something up your sleeve, so what is it?" "Never underestimate technology" "what-" a wrist band flew off the floor where the other devices were scattered, and it quickly latched onto the girls hand, extending into thick handcuffs that poured out yellow smoke. The fly traps shrieked, they shriveled and shrunk until they were back into the tiny seeds, which Star, who was now freed from the vines, grabbed and placed inside a small compartment in the handcuffs. "Reverse psychology, now you're my prisoner" Star said, and her drones flew out of thick, wooded forest. The girl scowled as she watched Star pick up her devices, placing them in their original positions, "you really didn't think I hadn't dealt with Wood Pixies before? You guys rely so heavily on your plants" a holographic rope appeared from the handcuffs and Star pulled on it. "You better be right about knowing my brother, because you're going to help me get out of here, and if you were telling the truth, I just might take you with me." The wood pixie grumbled under her breath, and Star placed her hand on her hip, "Now how about we leave before she wakes up, hmm?"

    * * *

        The sun began to peer into the forest, spreading a fire like glow around Star's camp the next day. She had brought the wood pixie near her cave, but not close enough for her to see how she entered the cloaked cave, and tied the holographic rope to a tree, placing a cloaking mechanism around the girl so she wouldn't be spotted by passerby villains. Star walked out of her cave, her blue drone trailing behind with a medical bag. Star pressed a button on her high tech wrist band, making the cloak around the girl vanish. "You need medical attention" Star told the wood pixie, gesturing to the medical bag. She snapped her finger, and the holographic rope attached to a device on the floor so that her hands weren't behind her back. "So what if I do? What good would it do you?" The girl replied, "not me, but it will do you well, now how about a name? So I don't have to keep calling you 'Wood Pixie' or 'villain'?" The girl rolled her eyes "Violet." "Alright, Violet, I'm going to clean your arm, and you're NOT going to try to do anything, got it?" Violet scowled "sure" she replied, she placed her arms out, looking in the other direction. "You don't feel pain, don't you?" Star said, remembering how the galaxy pixie slashed Violets arm, and Violet didn't show any recognition of pain. Violet growled "I don't FEEL anything!"
