


Name: Icelyn

Gender: Female

Type: Ice Pixie

(Later to be found as an Elemental Pixie)

Ability: Ice manipulation

(Later to be found to manipulate what Ice Pixie's call "black Ice" or "ice that dissolves with an ash like appearance" See The Lost Element For more details)

Known family members:

Iris (older sister)

Winter (father)

Mother (her mother has only ever been referred to as "Mother" in The Ice Ninja)

Blizzard (Mentor)



An Ice Pixie archer who stretches the limits of her skills by manipulating the traditional ice arrows used by all Ice Pixie archers. She's stubborn and somewhat reckless, but has a soft side for long time friends and family (including her sister Iris and her Icicle Mammoth, "Harry"). She gets easily suspicious due to her dangerous childhood as a rank one (the lowest there is), and gets a little self neglectful during pressuring times.

Story (1):

Icelyn has a few flaws, but the biggest one (and the most noticeable) is her frost covered hair, which seems to get icy-er and icy-er as she gets older. At one point in time, A pixie of unknown origin began the rumor that what Icelyn had was an ancient disease Ice Pixies used to get when their ancient ancestors weren't as adjusted to the cold, and that, as the rumor went: 'at some point in her life, this young girl will turn to a statue of ice.' This caused Iris to go searching for a 'cure,' leaving Icelyn when she was 12 years old.

Most people would probably resent someone for the rest of their life if they were left like Icelyn was, without a mother (see The Ice Ninja) or sister, A twelve year old in the lowest rank having to defend herself from all sorts of monstrosities, and gaining the simple necessities. But, if such a thing could keep someone alive, it would've been Icelyn's drive and determination to find her sister and be with her again. And, fortunately for her, she had just enrolled in the best archery training academy, where Icelyn slowly climbed to the top as the first Rank One in the academy.

Story (2): 

Probably the closest person Icelyn had to a mother sense her preteen years was her archery mentor, Blizzard, a veteran in the Queen's royal army. Blizzard, resentful for being pulled out of her retirement for a student, was cold and stone faced for Icelyn's first semester, but slowly warmed up to the young apprentice as she realized the determination she held.

Icelyn stayed away from all the other students. She already had a bad rap for being Rank One, but her frosty hair made her even more of an outcast; maybe even a small dose of envy for her skills. A typical day for Icelyn always consisted of some form of gossip or back talk, it was bound to happen if there was at least two other students in the same room as Icelyn, and though she seemingly ignored it all (keeping focus on her goal sometimes helped) every whisper or stare always nicked a small tear in the ever growing hole in her heart.

The principal of the school, Principal Snowdrop, was more of a nosy aunt to Icelyn, she seemed to have been constantly checking on her and sticking her nose into Icelyn's business, but apparently it was simply because she thought that "Seeing a Rank One such as yourself succeed in something most would think to be impossible might do the world some good." (See Powers Unite series two book one).
