

 Name: Iris

Gender: Female

Type: Ice Pixie

Ability: Ice manipulation

 Known Family Members: 

    Icelyn (little sister)

Winter (father)

Mother (her mother has only ever been referred to as "Mother" in The Ice Ninja)



A ninja who had a tough life, and an even tougher decision. Her family was poor and didn't have much, and her father left right after her sister's birth, leaving Iris's mother having to take care of two children by herself. To add to that, Iris's mother died when she was only thirteen, her sister also being only five. Iris taking the blame of her mothers death wasn't the only burden she carried at a young age, she also had to make sure her and her sister stayed alive, now both being orphans who were already born into a poor, rank one family. This caused Iris to steal what she couldn't trade, and being caught multiple times didn't change her actions. She soon began to self train with katanas, as well as take up self training in close combat. Iris is stern, ruthless, and intimidating. She will do anything if she sets her mind to it, and doesn't care how she does it, so long as the job is finished. Being a self taught ninja, Iris is very stealthy and highly trained in thievery, but the black color and katanas she uses is very unheard of in Ice Pixie territory, saying their scenery is all white, and most ice pixie's are, if given the chance, trained as archers.


When Iris's sister Icelyn was born, their father left not long after. Iris never knew why, she just knew he wasn't coming back, but did she blame her sister for it? Of course not, she would take care of her younger sister like any other good older sister would, and that, among few others, was one of her promises she kept. Even if Icelyn didn't see it the way Iris did, she always took care of her, even when she was territories away.


Iris did what she was told, she did her chores, helped her mother set traps, watched Icelyn when their mother was trading, and did anything else she was told to do. But the one time she didn't do what she was told was one day that quickly turned to horror.

      Iris and her sister always stayed in their shelter-like home whenever their mother left to check traps she left in the forest, it was a safety precaution. But Iris, realizing that her mother had forgotten to bring a new bucket of water, the old one being dirty, decided it wouldn't hurt to do it herself. Besides, it's not like Frosted Forest was as dangerous as a place like the Willowing Woods, what was the worst that could happen? Right when Iris got to the river, however, after a few attempts of trying to break the ice to draw water, Iris was attacked by a large white creature. This creature could have taken her life, and would have, if her mother hadn't been close enough to hear her daughter's frightened screams. Like any mother would, she quickly came to Iris's rescue, but after impalling the creature with a large branch, Iris's mother soon bled out from the large gashes on her body. If the pain and sorrow of watching her mother die right there in front of her wasn't enough to break Iris, it was the thought that clouded Iris's mind that if only she had fought back, if only she could use her power better, if only she could fight instead of hide, her mother would still be with her. Iris blamed herself for her mother's death, after all, she was the one who left the house when she should have stayed. Iris also believed that if she trained herself in the martial art of close combat, that she'd be able to stop anything like that from happening again. And to make matters worse, she had to tell her little sister that their mother wasn't coming back. (See The Ice Ninja for more details)


(Being worked on)

Story (4):

Something Iris could never figure out was what her mother's words meant. Before she passed, her mother breathed her last words to Iris, "Promise me you- you will help your sister, you... You need to... Help." Help her with what? Was she in danger? Did something bad happen? Was there something she was unaware of? These were a few of the questions piled in Iris's mind. Four years passed since Iris was abandoned by her "friends," and she finally began to realize what her mother must have meant. At the age of nine Icelyn's hair began to gain an icy texture, and the older she got, the more the ice spread. Eventually Iris heard an adult whisper about it, saying that it was some ancient disease, and that Icelyn would turn to ice without the proper cure. That must have been what Iris's mother was warning her about! Iris didn't know where to start, she just knew that no matter what, she had to find the cure. Iris was adept with katanas and knew very well how to fight in close combat, she knew how to steal, trick and mislead. After months of pouring over any scroll she could find, she finally had her first clue, but needed to go to Wood Pixie territory to look further. Iris knew Icelyn could take care of her self by now, she was old enough, and Iris had found out a way to get Icelyn a tryout to be trained as an archer. Iris would never leave Icelyn if she didn't think she was ready, but Iris believed Icelyn could take care of her self. Iris waited until Icelyn left for her tryout, then packed her stuff, and headed off to the Willowing Woods.
