

Name: Zefiryn

Gender: Female

Type: Sky Pixie

Ability: wind manipulation

Known family members:

Cloud ( "first" older brother)

??? ( "second" older brother)

??? ( "third" older brother)



Zefiryn grew up in a loving family, she also, however, grew up with three older brothers who rough-housed with each other all the time. And her being their little sister, she often got picked on. Zefiryn was sweet as a girl, but also a bit ambitious. So much so that she fell in love with a prince, and believed that it was meant to be. However not everything is a fairy tale. Later when she was a teenager, something strange happened. Zefiryn's world spit in two. In one half there was a world below the clouds where there were three other Pixie Tribes, and a magnificent place called the Moon Lit Meadow only accessible through a portal in a dark forest. And in the other half there was no place "below the clouds," there were no other pixie tribes, and everyone acted as if nothing strang had happened at all. Zefiryn felt as if she was living in two worlds. Her mother tired to help, but all the madness eventually drove Zefiryn crazy, and her new mindset changed the way pixie's saw her. Even when Zefiryn proved the first half true by going below the clouds to find the three other pixie tribes, those pixie's thought she was crazy as well, because apparently there was no "Moon Lit Meadow," and the pixie's who had lived there, didn't live there at all.


Zefiryn gained a problem when she was a teenager, she fell in love with Zap, the problem? He was the son of Queen Florescent, in other words, he's a prince. But that didn't stop her from believing their love was ment to be, or to be more specific, her love for him. He didn't seem to be the least bit interested in her at all.
