Prince Zap



Name: (Prince) Zap

Gender: male

Type: Elemental Pixie

(Sky Pixie)

Ability: Lighting, Speed

Known family members: 

Princess Floral (sister)

Queen Florescent (mother)



Zap is a pixie of many talents, however "Princely duties" is not among those talents. He hates all the commissions that come with being royal, and calls the constant meetings he's forced to attend with his father boring. Zap would much prefer guardian training with Cloud over all his palace tasks, and would even rather go around the islands helping citizens with their more hard working tasks. And that he does, because having super speed comes with its perks, no one can stop him from leaving the palace even if they tried. Zap is bold and can't sit still for long periods of time, and doesn't like being kept in the palace rather then being out and about. He has a stern face, is good at improvising, and carries good looks. However Zap's long for adventure lead him to sneak away with another Sky Pixie, who brought him to someone promising the adventure he always wanted. Later did he know those pixies had other plans.
