

 Name: Cyber (real name unknown)

Gender: Male

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability: Tecnopathy

Known family member(s):




A quiet Technopath, and probably the most clear headed of his team. He often ends up very tired during the day due to too many all-nighters trying to create a device his mentor cannot deactivate with the swipe of a finger, all to no avail... Because of this, his day normally consists of him tossing devices at his mentor, only to walk away grumbling at the deactivated gadget in his hands. Cyber calls himself a pacifist, so he'll try to stay away from violence (kind of hard when he lives in the place he does) as much as he can. Because of this, his devices are normally none lethal, created to stop, not destroy. Cyber is the only one who knows about Hover's trips to the hospital, and frankly, he doesn't share the same need to watch his sister's adoptive parents (he doesn't care what Hover claims he's doing, it's really quite obvious). The fact is he never knew his family, and had been an orphan sense his birth. 
