


'Galaxies' are what the Galaxy Pixies call their hair colors, each one comes with an associated ability, but there are also multiple abilities associated with the same color (e.g. teal= convincer or Telekinetic).

It is also possible to have multiple 'Galaxies' (multiple abilities) (e.g. A FutureSeeker and Reflector) but the only known pixie to have three abilities is Tindra.





These pixies have the ability to move objects with their minds, very straight forward, but very useful (and dangerous).

Galaxy color: teal

Known pixies: 

Lyra, Vega, Hover, (more to come)



Pixies with this Galaxy are known to have visions of the future, though few are clear, and often come as short 'peaks' into the future.

Galaxy Color: pastel blue

Known pixies:

Gaze, Vision, Aquila, (more to come)



An ability that allows the pixie to 'jump' into and out of any shadow, bringing them to a place dubbed the Shadow Void; A large, black, empty space filled with floating black sludge.

Galaxy color: purple

Known pixies:

MidnightVoidTindra'master', Silhouette, Via (more to come)



Reflectors have the power to form energy shields, and with some practice, perhaps other objects.

Galaxy color: sky blue

Known pixies:

NeptuneTindraMiraBlur (more to come)



Pixies with this ability can read other pixies minds, but only has the ability to hear thoughts being projected while they are listening. Mindreaders who can not only listen to thoughts, but can also search the mind is quite rare, and are said to have slight telepathy.

Galaxy color: light pink

Known pixies:

CrystalTindra, Thought, Calypso (more to come)



HeatWaves' have the ability to read heat signatures from infrared light. Meaning they can close their eyes and scan their surroundings, allowing them to see pixie's heat signatures through objects, making them able to "see through walls."

Galaxy color: red

Known pixies:

Void, Orion, Glare, Phoebe (more to come)



Phasers have the ability to break down their body enough to pass through objects such as walls, trees, and others. And with practice, can even bring others through with them.

Galaxy color: orange

Known pixies:

Nova, NeptunePhase, Silhouette, Via, (more to come)


Abilities from other tribes:

Wood Pixies-

Plant Manipulation:

Most wood Pixies share the same ability known as Plant Manipulation. However when you can control any species of plant, the possibilities are endless.

Another variation of Plant Manipulation is having a strong connection to nature, meaning they are more versed in the ability to control nature, and can even feel what plants feel. this is rare however, and not many pixies obtain this gift.

known Pixies to have a strong connection:

Violet, (more to come)

Ice Pixies-

Ice Manipulation:

Ice Manipulation, like the Wood Pixies ability to control plants, is the Ice Pixies default ability. Every Ice Pixie can do it, but whether they can do it well is another question. Ice Pixies have also been able to find useful and creative ways to use this ability, such as shifting ice, using the water in the atmosphere to freeze nearly anything they're power can reach, and creating weapons such as arrows. This becomes very handy when you can quickly create an unlimited amount of arrows right when you need one rather then storing A limited amount in a quiver.

Sky Pixies

Wind Manipulation:

Sky Pixies have the ability to control weather, but the average Sky pixie can only control one element. One of those elements being wind, probably the most common of the three, but just as affective. And with some practice, conjuring A little breeze may not be the only thing they can do.

Known Pixies:

Cloud Manipulation:

Pixies with this ability are often born with pastel colored hair, no one knows the reason behind this, but this ability seems to be in the minority of the Tribe. Pixies with this ability can create clouds, and could probably raise humidity if they really wanted to.

Known Pixies:

Celeste, Gust (more to come)

Weather Casters:

A Weather caster is a Sky pixie who can create rain clouds, even snow or hail if they wanted. This is a very effective ability, being able to conjure pouring rain is useful in many things, like growing crops, or even creating a barrier, using the rain as a screen to block someone's view. But conjure stinging hail and you can easily have the upper hand in a battle.

Known Pixies:

Cloud (More to come)


Elemental Abilites:

Elemental Pixies are Pixies born to wield rare abilites, there is only ever one elemental Pixie, making them very rare. The Elemental Pixies have been thought to represent the seven elements of Myth. Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Dark, Mystery, and the forgotten element of Destruction. 
