

 Name: Vision

Gender: female

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability: Future Seeker

Known family members:




Vision is a ominous Future Seeker with a monotone voice, and often says things that makes no sense to anyone but her. There's always a pixie who tests the Half Moon members before they go through their first day of training, and Vision was Irene's. She was picked because she knew just how to make Irene uncomfortable enough to unleash her ability, it also being easier because Irene had no training before. Vision is good at poking and prodding until information is given to her, and her manner of speech makes it even a bit unsettling. She can normally get a pixie to squirm within the first ten minutes of interrogation, meaning if their not squirming past that limit, their a very hard shell to crack.


Fun fact about FutureSeekers, most don't even get visions. In fact, Vision has only ever had one, and as far as she can tell, it was a symbolic vision, meaning she had no clue what her vision was trying to warn her about, if anything at all. Some of the members even liked to tease her about having a symbolic vision that matched her "symbolic" speech. Vision, like most of the oldest members of the half moon, had a name before being called Vision, but that name is slowly fading away into the depths of her mind, along with the life she once had before the Half Moon. Did she lead a happy life? Did she know anyone worth sticking around for? Maybe both, but she clearly wasn't satisfied with her life, and whatever led her to join a villainous organization, probably wasn't anything good.

(For more information on Vision, read The Past Of Queen Irene)
