
"Queen" Irene

 Name: Irene

Gender: Female

Type: Galaxy Pixie

Ability: Absorber 

(A rare and new ability to most pixies)

Known family members:

Opal (mother)

Merge (husband)

Aquila (daughter)


"Master" (Mentor/ leader)



A bold, strict, and dare anyone say intimidating villain who rules over the Moon Lit Meadow, controlling the citizens with fear. Having the ability to take away Galaxy Pixie's Galaxies and use their abilities as her own. She is often seen as the figure head of The Half Moon, but not many is aware of the real threat controlling them from the shadows. However, that definitely doesn't change the fact that Irene is no threat to take lightly. She is the mastermind behind hiding the Moon Lit Meadows and stripping the Galaxy Pixie's of their connection to the other tribes, using combinations of abilities like that of a Mindreader, and others, to erase the Moon Lit Meadows completely from the other tribes minds. Although, "completely" is a bold word to use, for there was some side affects that Irene was not aware of. The "Sky Pixie Incident" for example, were she not only removed her land from the Sky Pixie's minds, but removed the Sky Pixie's entirely from the tribes minds, as well as removing the other tribes from the Sky Pixie's minds. During this unfortunate turn of events, a girl not older then fifthteen was, in words, caught in the cross fire of this plot, it left her living in two worlds, and that left her with a messed up mind. Another flaw in Irene's grand plan to rule forever was that of a girl named Tindra, who escaped the imprisonment before it happened with the help of the Portal Pixie, also being left with all her memories of her home in check. But aside from all those mistakes that, unbeknownst to her, would lead to her downfall, Irene married her long time partner in The Half Moon, Merge, and had a daughter of her own, Aquila.


(For more information on Irene's story, read The past of Queen Irene)

As a child, Irene was very shy, she had a kind mother but they didn't have a very close relationship. Irene was picked on because of her Galaxy color, something common to happen when you were born with an odd Galaxy, but Irene's was different. Irene had a grey galaxy, a long forgotten galaxy that at the time pixies assumed was a "not fully formed galaxy," being grey, which is not much of galaxy color. That also meant that if Irene had no galaxy, she had no ability. But everything changed when Irene accidentally "absorbed" the Mindreader galaxy of a girl who was bullying her. The combination of panic and shock, along with the pounding thoughts of other pixies that rushed into little Irene's mind when the pink galaxy covered some of her grey would have been enough to send her running. But to add to all that was the fact that Irene couldn't make it stop, and because of thoughts she was hearing she knew everyone was terrified of her. That event alone could have changed Irene's life, but after the horrible incident, even her own mother was afraid of her ability, and soon left her alone on the streets.


Irene's first encounter with The Half Moon was years later, she had found some crystals she would be able to exchange for some items and went to a jewel shop. Everything was going fine but she noticed some commotion at the jewel counter. Three pixies with suits and masks were asking the jewel exchanger about some type of crystal, and it quickly escalated to violence. Irene tried to help, but not being able to control her ability accidentally absorbed the yellow one's galaxy, melting the whole building. Irene was framed by the group of villains with the help of their Mindreader, and Irene was sent to the dungeon.

Two years later, the Half Moon made a jail break, getting Irene out of the dungeon and attempted to get her on their side. Having nowhere else to go, and after having a run in with a hostage scenario (her being the one holding a hostage), she joined the organization.


Mentions: *¹ (see The Mystery of Tindra for more details)
