The Half Moon

The Half Moon

"The ever engulfing darkness that sneaks up on its prey, obscures it's vision and clouds it's thoughts. Very being has no existence in the clutches of the shadow of the moon, it disappears but never retreats, it lingers but never shows." -The Half Moon


             The Half Moon is a well known name in Moon Lit Meadow, a name many fear. It is a large group of villains notorious for thievery, and sometimes kidnapping depending on their agenda. They will do anything to get what they want, and are not afraid to use lethal force if necessary, however, they would prefer a "clean escape" if possible. But being a powerful villainous group that most pixie's fear means they have to get their hands dirty most of the time.

The Half Moon has been rumored to find orphans with great potential, then take them and train them as their own. Even though this has not been proven true, no one would put it past them, they are a group to be feared, and for good reason.                                                                                               The Half Moon's subordinates are trained to fight ruthlessly, they are taught how to create distractions, escape plans, and most importantly how to fight in any situation. Other things they are taught consists of things like bending the truth, interrogation, and hiding secrets if they were to get caught. They are trained to be loyal to their master, no matter the cost.


The Half Moon was first created by a powerful pixie, he had no true connection to much of his family and did lots of bad things, he had a thirst for power, and would do anything to get it. He was, in some words, a trickster, he manipulated and misled, causing those close to him to leave.*² He gathered up a group of pixies who shared his interest, and created a name for them. "The name Half Moon shall be heard by all, and feared by all!" He once said. 

The first six pixie's to join the Half Moon was known as "Half Moon Group 1" Later to be not only the most experienced, but also the best of them all. The more pixie's were brought in, the more trouble they caused, they quickly caught the queen's attention, and it was decided something had to be done about them. But they always escaped, and always retaliated with something unexpected, and the cities quickly caught wind of the situation.

* * *

A few years passed since The Half Moon was first created, and things seemed to die down. It wasn't that they weren't causing anymore trouble, but they did so in the shadows. The cities were still well aware of The Half Moon's activity, and how could the queen forget them? But the Half Moon became smarter, they had more members then before and trained them to be loyal, loyal that they would do anything if ordered to. 

Years later, the Half Moon became more powerful, ruthless, and willing to do anything to get what they wanted. There was Now a "Half Moon Group 2" and the pixie they answered to now called himself "Master," and had everyone else call him the same. Some of the pixie's who had joined, joined either by proving loyalty, and being trained among the others, or was brought in at a young age and taught their ways, making the young believe what they were doing was "right" and "for a good purpose." Unaware of how misled they were.

The tiring count of The Half Moon's silent villainy continued as more years passed, "Half Moon Group 3" had just passed their loyalty mission and had met a dangerous foe, or could she become a powerful ally? It still wasn't decided. All they knew was they had to get her out of the way before she caused them trouble. And a quick frame did exactly that. But after two years they realized how much of an asset she was, and began planning a jail break. It wasn't long before Irene became a member of The Half Moon, she became very loyal, and got very close to her Master. Calling The Half Moon "the family she never had." She was unaware, however, how her "Master" had her wrapped tightly around his finger, and could easily get her to do anything he wanted her to with just a simple command. (see The past of Queen Irene for more details)


All Half Moon members are required to wear a one piece suit, and mask. All suits look the same except for the color, each member wears a suit the color of their Galaxy(s). These suits are very durable and tear resistant, they are made to work easily with the pixie's ability, as well as being flexible and easy to move in. The masks are used to hide their identities, they cover their voice by making it sound whisp-y, and the mask covers their face, blocking facial recognition. However, thanks to The Half Moon's Technopath, the masks have lots of other features, a few being night vision, cloaking, and making them immune to mind tricks and MindReaders. Although all the suits look the same, there is some exceptional changes to a few of the suits, examples being Thought's sleeves, Merge's pockets, Phase's knife slits, and Radiant's top. Later in Powers Unite, Series 3 Group one gets some suit changes, along with added patterns.


Group 1:

Purity (Reflector) 

Circuit (Technopath)

Mask (Disappearer)

Ethereal (Telekinetic, Disappearer)

??? (Merger)


Group 2:

Vision (FutureSeeker)

Glare (HeatWave)





Group 3:

Thought (MindReader)

Merge (Merger)

Phase (Phaser)

Mira (Reflector)

Irene (Absorber)

Void (ShadowJumper, HeatWave)

Group 4:

Sway (Convincer)






Group 5:

Radiant (Disappearer)

Silhouette (ShadowJumper, Phazer)

Via (Phaser, ShadowJumper)

Cyber (Technopath)

Blur (Reflector)

Hover (Telekinetic)

Mentions: *¹ (see MiraMerge, and Blur for more details) *² (see Void for more details) 

(for information on the members abilities, visit abilities )
