

 Name: Violet

Gender: Female

Type: Wood Pixie

Ability: Plant manipulation

Known family members:



??? (best friend)



Born unable to feel has some perks, sure you can't feel pain, but that also leaves you vulnerable if you don't have someone watching your back. She could easily get a large cut, and not having pain to alert her, could bleed out unaware. However as long as she is careful, it makes Violet a very difficult villain to deal with, because she can take lots of blows, yet continue unfazed. Violet is also one of few Wood Pixie's with a strong connection to nature, being able to feel what plants feel is not only very useful to spy on her enemies or feel if their close, it has also been her only window to experience feeling objects, using the vines from her plants to feel. Violet is sarcastic and smug, she can be serious, and is unfazed by danger. However she can get cocky when she is sure she's winning, and can sometimes miss certain details when she's so sure of herself.


Every villain has a drive, and Violets' has been with her since a young age. Being unable to feel has left her with a supervisor her whole life, but she also learned how to cause diversions and sneak away from her supervisor to be on her own. The only pixie Violet was fine being supervised by was her best friend. "He had a way with words, he would hand me a material, and then explain it so vividly I could sometimes close my eyes and pretend I could feel." "He was a good friend" Violet said.


Violet got good grades in her school, had a good friend, and good family, yet it wasn't enough for her. Violets' drive got in the way of her daily life, because of her inability to feel, she would get reckless and get hurt, and when her parents couldn't pay for the healing center, she would steal the medical supplies herself and learn how to use them. Yet she never learned her lesson.


What is Violets' drive? To heal herself of her inability and to experience the sensation everyone so dearly loves. Touch and feel. That drive lead Violet to do bad things in her past, and also lead her to join a group of villains when she was a young adult, after being confronted by an Ice Pixie who promised her exactly what she wanted. "There's all kinds of ancient remedies in the strong hold, if it can heal my sister, it can heal you." "Unless you don't want to be healed.." The Ice Pixie said sneakily. Violet did what the pixie told her, but she had no interest in getting involved with any of the others in the group. There was a weird pixie the Ice Pixie called a "Sky Pixie" who, if you asked Violet, had some serious mental issues. Then there was the technopath, Violet had already known Tyson, he was a very popular technopath born into a family of technopaths, he seemed to have a very good going business, and a pretty perfect life. Violet once got curious and asked him what led him to work with the Ice Pixie, he just replied "let's just say, I'm looking for something I lost."

(To see more about Violet, read Trapped, a Powers Unite short story)
