Irene's Hair: A complicated rant about a haircut (why is this even a topic?)

The Intro-

Irene has a simple, short haircut with bangs completely covering half of her face. That's not something that I would nowadays give a notorious, villainous, "I'm-very-evil-and-powerful-but-at-the-same-time-regal-and-I-want everyone-to-know-it" kind of character. However this hairstyle has been with Irene sense I created her, so it would just be very wrong to change it. Fortunately, my brain, that is known to over think the weirdest things about my characters, has come up with a solution. 

The information dump-

Irene has a hair style history, something none of our other characters have, she had braids when she was little, she took her hair down when cast out, it grew longer in prison, and then she cut it into a pixie cut when she joined the Half Moon. Irene kept that pixie cut the rest of her life, but what always boggled me is this fact: when Irene became queen, she loved to doll herself up to portray her status. If Irene liked to doll up, you'd think she wouldn't have such a simple haircut. But! I have discovered a solution! One standing statement that describes the Half Moon is "The ever engulfing darkness that sneaks up on its prey, obscures it's vision and clouds it's thoughts. Very being has no existence in the clutches of the shadow of the moon, it disappears but never retreats, it lingers but never shows." Now I am going to explain a small detail about the Half Moon, the "clutches of the shadow of the moon" is supposed to represent the shadow that covers the moon, making it a "crescent" moon, the Half Moon is symbolized by a jewel surrounded by pears, and covered by a shadow shaped like a crescent moon, or to be more specific, a "Quarter Moon" or "Half Moon." The leader of the Half Moon known to be called "Master" is also called the "shadows eye" or "Shadow Of The Moon," he literally controls from shadows! Not to mention he has been known to "clutch his enemies with shadowy hands." Now this brings us to the second phrase, "it disappears but never retreats, it lingers but never shows" this represents the moons natural phases, they are always there, night after night, but even when they're not, they will always show up. Now allow me to let you in on a little secret.. "Masters" real name is actually Eclipse. This portrays how Master believes that he one day won't just be the "Shadow Of The Moon," but the moon itself that will one day obscure the sun! Now that you see a relatively obvious pattern, I can finally explain about Irene's hair, ya' know, the topic. 

The topic-

I don't know why I just backed up a small topic such as a hairstyle with an information dump, but I'm just gonna roll with it. Irene controls her city with fear and intimidation, you know, typical villain stuff. But as I already mentioned, she likes to doll herself up to show her "regal status," but having in mind that she wants to intimidate her citizens, it would make sense to cover half of her face. While a half covered face can represent a sinister side, it can also portray mystery, or hiding a part of yourself. Irene was cast out of society, she was constantly having to hide her identity, and even after joining the Half Moon, always wore a mask. Her whole identity was constantly clouded after she was left on the streets, and because of this, as well as her fear of never being excepted, left her vulnerable to the Half Moon's ideal, or more specifically, left her as a small fragile doll, waiting for a puppeteer to paint a new face, and sculpt a new life. The more I thought about it, the more Irene's hair matched perfectly with her character. A part of Irene that comes with her ability, is the uncontrollable urge for power, and the more she feeds that urge, the hungrier it gets. It's like feeding a squirrel at a park, the more you feed it, the more it will show up, and the harder it will get to make it leave. This feeling slowly stripped Irene of her identity, and this can very easily be shown in her hairstyle, because like I said, having a half covered face can portray hiding a part of yourself, and if I tweak it a little, hiding your identity. While all that is said, her hairstyle can also very easily represent her loyalty to the Half Moon. The Half Moon's symbol is a quarter moon after all, which as you can remember, is a moon phase, a shadow covering half of the moon.

(for more information on Irene, read The past of Queen Irene)

(for more information on The Half Moon, visit the Half Moon Post)


  1. I hope you enjoyed this weird rant of mine ^u^ what can I say, my brain focuses on the weirdest things about my characters. Also the Half Moon is without a doubt my most thought out topic, so it's just natural for me to connect this type of thing


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